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Our behaviour, our culture wheel.























We work together with integrity, courage and pride for a thriving Taitokerau. Our culture is the heart of our organisation, and it sets the tone for how we work together. It is supported by seven behaviours that guide our relationships with each other and our communities.

Listen - with respect, curiosity and an open mind.

Kotahitanga - collaborate, mentor and share to achieve more together.

Choose positivity - be optimistic, and see the opportunities in the challenges.

Whanaungatanga - embrace the diversity of our people and celebrate our common interests.

Do the right thing - be fair, use common sense and show manaakitanga.

Own it - stand by our decisions, celebrate our success and acknowledge our mistakes.

Learn and improve - grow through reflection and innovation.



Be yourself at work

We are proud of our diverse work environment and aspire for inclusiveness to be embedded in our everyday practise. We are committed to building belonging and whanaungatanga, valuing and every individual for what makes you, you.

Diversity Works New Zealand

As a member of Diversity Works New Zealand, we are committed to: Creating a workplace with fair, reasonable and flexible employment practices which enable people to flourish and perform to their best.

Member of Diversity Works NZ logo.