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Noho i te Rohe

As Northlanders, we live in the one of the most beautiful regions in New Zealand. No part of Northland is more than 40 kilometres from the coast - it is what we love the most about living here. Learn how to safely enjoy our natural environment and how you can get involved.


Our Environment

Rich in culture and history, our region boasts a stunning natural environment north of our boundary line that stretches from south-east of Mangawhai across to the Kaipara Harbour and all the way up to New Zealand's northernmost tip, Cape Rēinga.

As the northernmost and warmest of New Zealand’s 16 regions, Northland is known as the 'winterless North'. The low elevation and close proximity to the sea result in a  mild, subtropical and rather windy climate. Our region is a combination of natural taonga such as golden beaches, secluded coves, breathtaking seascapes, ancient forests, and a rich tapestry of flora and fauna.

Our natural taiao (world) is truly outstanding. Northland has more than 3,000km of coastline, 1.25 million hectares of land, excellent air quality and an abundance of freshwater. However, the region’s environment is fragile and always at risk. Our priority is to protect our natural  environment by working closely with landowners, tangata whenua, community organisations and government agencies.

Land area:                13,940 km2

Highest point:           Te Raupua - 781 metres above sea level

Coastline:                 3200 kilometres in length

Largest lake:            Lake Ōmāpere

Longest river:           Northern Wairoa River

Number of harbours: 10